Defending SIS (Sanity, Insight, and Sensibility)
By: Michael P. Barro
Defending Sanity, Insight, Sensibility
As the pilot article for this blog spot, let me greet the readers a sane and smart day ahead of us all. It is only natural that the first article for this blog is an elaboration of what this is all about—defending our sanity, our insight, and good senses from what the rest of the world is about to or is trying to influence us with—at least, the bad ones.
In doing this, let me first make a bold assertion that might seem undemocratic at face value—not all ideas, opinions, preferences and assertions are created equal, and should not be treated equal. Let me clarify though, that I do not advocate curtailing the freedom of speech, or of the press, nor am I advocating that ideas and opinions and their expressions thereof, should be subject to government regulation and control, or any external control. In no way am I espousing that some people should be prevented from speaking their mind, or from expressing their sentiments, grievances, and opinions on pressing issues. Nope, that is not the point of the bold assertion I have made.
I made this assertion because we have become accustomed to the democratic principle of being entitled to our own ideas and opinions, and being immersed in the idea that just because we thought it, that automatically makes it just as valid and right as every other thought. As we usually say, "My idea/opinion is just as valid as everyone else's. We’re both correct!" The point is simple—opinions and ideas are not all equally valid, valuable or correct. Relativism is self-contradicting and completely wrong. We deeply, deeply, need to recognize this very important fact of life. We have reached the zenith of freedom under the blessings of democracy, to the point that even the freedom of thought and expression is now usually taken for granted or abused.
This sense of entitlement sometimes robs us of the need to scrutinize, test, justify, substantiate, or ponder deeply whether said idea and opinion is true, beneficial, or even just downright sane.
I am writing this blog for weeks and perhaps hopefully months to come, to share to all netizens an update of world events, especially in extremely liberal western societies and the different philosophies they are now advocating. (examples of future topics—abortion, transgenderism, third-wave feminism, war on masculinity, and so on. Yes, I am willing to go that far.)
Second—to share how these philosophies, ideas, opinions, are silently being ushered into our local culture and slowly encroaches on our conservative values and try to influence us into giving up our conservative traditional ideals and public morality (especially by the United Nations agencies, I can and will back up this claim in future articles).
Third, try my best to explain and expound why such tenets and beliefs are bad, objectively bad, not only bad for us, but for them and the rest of the world; and why the opposite of extreme liberalism—the conservative values that we hold dear—are still better and best for all humanity.
This I do in the hope of helping to preserve and defend what is left sane in a world going crazy, what is insightful in the world that is further going morbid, and what is sensible in a world that is slowly going deeply haywire in its thoughts, beliefs, and ideas.