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Writer's pictureMichael Barro

Democratic Principles: Freedom, Justice and Truth

As mentioned, this blog has been created as conservative’s voice in defense of sanity, insight, and sensibility from the incursions of liberal-leftist ideologies. In order to do this, it is utterly necessary to provide even just rudimentary expositions of what these democratic principles are.

What separates democracies from their non-democratic counterparts is, more or less, their unwavering commitment to upholding and preservation of the principle of respecting individualism. In virtually all authoritarian regimes, the individual person is subservient to the collective—meaning, the individual thoughts, tastes, preferences, his/her allegiances, all must be subject to what the commune, the general public, the state, prescribes as proper, necessary, and therefore legal. In other words, in authoritarian and totalitarian governments, total uniformity (hence the term) to the collective’s circumspection is the norm. In the religion of totalitarianism, non-conformity is the mortal sin. This is the main reason why traditional religions, business ventures, and modes of entertainment are more varied and open in democratic countries where they have more choices to choose from and more freedom to exercise free choice with.

As part of defending individualism and respecting the individual person, these three aforementioned key principles need to be present: Freedom, Justice, and Truth.

Freedom - So long as the choices in question do not pose danger to public health, safety, well-being and morality, then as part of respecting the individual, his/her freedom to choose must be respected from intrusions of majority or powerful. Hence, in democracies and constitutional republics, the ordinary citizen has the freedom of thought and its expression, and all their corollaries—freedom of religion, freedom of the press, etc.

Justice - As part of respecting the individual, justice to the individual person must also be preserved. In its simplest, justice simply means rendering according to due. In other words, justice and fairness is when human individuals and entities are given according to what they deserve, and not the painful and discomforting treatment/service that they do not deserve.

Truth - For TRUE JUSTICE to be delivered, two things are important and must be present, (1) verifiable and truthful determination of guilt or innocence as the case may be, (2) the accused must be given the chance and right to express his/her account of his/her side on the matter, regardless of apparent guilt—thus the principle of due process and ‘right to be heard’. The second is very important to the pursuit of the first. The accused must be given the chance to air his/her side to determine specifically what is the error, the wrongdoing, the deviation from the norm and from the law.

Part of the delivery of retaliatory justice is that the nature and weight of wrongdoing, offense, lapses, violation, and damage, and the like, must be congruent to the weight of the punishment and/or penalty. A pound of crime requires that the punishment must be of the same weight—a pound, speaking metaphorically.

In succeeding blogs, we will honestly discuss in very specific ways that the leftist sub-cultural groups, the so-called “progressive social justice warriors”, contradict and/or attack these constitutional and humanitarian-humanist principles of freedom, justice, and truth.

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