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Writer's pictureMichael Barro

The Sound of One Hand Clapping

In the previous article—the pilot episode of this blog, I mentioned of future topics that hinge on leftist/extreme liberal movements and philosophies—topics such as abortion, transgenderism, third-wave feminism, war on masculinity, and the like. And as I already asserted, I am willing to go this far as to have an open discussion on these sensitive topics that I assume many in our locality are still not aware of these said movements’ excursions to our culture.

A lot of these modern western ideas, opinions, and belief system, ideological at best, are slowly being espoused by our very own liberal activists in metropolitan areas.

But before we tackle these issues one by one, one very important thing I want to share to all the readers is this fact that so many of the western liberal/leftist groups, or as they call themselves “progressives”, share a common attitude when it comes to discussing sensitive and critical social issues. And this common attitude is the strong and active domination and monopoly of the dialogue by silencing their opposition. Very Nazi-like.

In other words, many leftists/progressives, from the west and from our very own, do not want to engage in open dialogue with us conservatives. At the very start, they will do their best to shut you down, or shut you out. The undecided public who would have been witnesses to the debate, to the dialogue, to the conversation, to the exchange of ideas between the liberals and the conservatives, does not have full access to information could not listen to both sides of the issues as one side tries its very best to dominate by silencing the opposing view.

The left, for the most part and as attested by many of my fellow conservatives, try their very best to drown out the opposing voice with their shouts, with their chanting (example: abortion activists usually chant “My body, My choice!” repeatedly so that pro-lifers’ take on the matter is drowned). So vehement has become their repression of counter-arguments and counter-perspectives.

One quote I love in The Game of Thrones (though not much of an avid fan myself) goes to say, “If you cut out a man’s tongue, you’re not proving him a liar. You’re telling the world you’re afraid of what he has to say.

I think the point is clear—the more one tries to silence the opposing view, the more one tries his/her best to monopolize the exchanges of ideas, beliefs, and even research data if there are any, the more one proves the importance and rightfulness of the opposing view.

But this has become the prevalent attitude of many of our brothers and sisters in the left—to create the sound of one hand clapping (term attributed to Zen kōan of Hakuin Ekaku).

One hand clapping—because the other hand is being prevented to play its part in the clap (symbolic of the confrontation of opposing views, ideas, beliefs, opinions, and the like). And what sound does a one-hand clapping make? Silence.

And, again, as I remind us all—the more one tries to silence the opposite side, the more one proves the importance and credence of the opposite side. After all, if you’re right all along, you don’t need to shout, you just need to talk.

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